Stocking Up, Enjoying the nightlife and the Royal Welsh Show!
The last month has been busy with restocking the shoot for the coming shooting season. Taking delivery of the young poults at this time of year ensures that they 4 months to grow, mature and develop before October. They are released into large pens, which they are fed in for a week, after which they are encouraged roam further afield. Eventually being fed up on the hillsides.
The young birds are vulnerable at this stage, particularly to the Fox, who inhabits these Valleys in relatively large numbers. To combat this foe, we very active during the night, his active hunting hours. Being out and about at night, you realise the amount of nocturnal wildlife we have on the estate which you wouldn't about otherwise. We have an abundance of Hedgehogs and Hares have made a comeback in recent years. Tawny owls are spotted every where, more unusually Long Eared Owls, as well as Barn Owls can be seen at times.
I have an exciting month ahead, firstly a trip deer stalking is in order, followed by an invitation to attend the Royal Welsh Show. I have been asked to attend on the Countryside Alliance, where I will be showing some easy Game butchery skills. A chef will also be on hand to cook up some delights! So if your attending or are in the area, pop by and say Hello!!